生信工具 | 测序数据质控与过滤 - fqtrim_对fasta和fastq数据清洗-程序员宅基地

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trimming&filtering of next-gen reads

fqtrim 是一个多功能的独立实用程序,可用于去除高通量测序仪产出的测序数据接头,poly-A 尾,末端未知碱基(Ns)和低质量 3’ 区域。该程序允许接头序列和 poly-A 序列的不精确匹配(从而考虑到由测序错误导致的错配和插入/缺失)。此工具还可以对 reads 应用低复杂性(“dust”)过滤器,或计数并折叠重复 reads,这对于 micro-RNA 分析流程特别有用。

fqtrim 主要用作二代测序分析流程中 FASTQ 文件的预处理或过滤步骤。





下载日期: 23/09/21

文件名: fqtrim-0.9.7.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

版本: 0.9.7

类型: 预编译二进制文件

是否需要 root 权限:

下载链接: http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/fqtrim/dl/fqtrim-0.9.7.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz


tar -zxvf fqtrim-0.9.7.Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
mv fqtrim-0.9.7.Linux_x86_64 fqtrim/
# help message


该程序可接收 FASTA 或 FASTQ 格式的序列数据作为输入(压缩或以 stdin 流的形式),并能以统一的方式处理 双端测序读段(即不分隔成对读段,并生成两个不同的成对读段输出文件,可选择压缩)。基本使用模板如下:

$ fqtrim [<options>] <input_file(s)>..


清理 pair-end reads 序列中带有 N 的低质量碱基,允许修剪后读段的最小长度为 25 个碱基,并保持读段的配对关系:

$ fqtrim -A -l 25 -o trimmed.fq.gz exome_reads_1.fastq.gz,exome_reads_2.fastq.gz

请注意,对于非转录组读段,建议使用 -A 选项。在本例中,fqtrim 的输出将写入两个后缀为 ".trimmed.fq.gz " 的压缩文件中。

使用 fqtrim 过滤 FASTQ 文件


$ ./fqtrim -A -P 33 -w 10 -q 20 -l 100 -m 5 -p 1 -V \
	-o fastq.gz A1_R1.fastq.gz,A1_R2.fastq.gz

使用 fqtrim 转换 FASTQ 文件的质量值

fqtrim 还可用于转换 FASTQ 文件的碱基质量值体系(Phred64/Phred33)

$ ./fqtrim -Q S1_R1.fastq > new.S1_R1.fastq


$ ./fqtrim
fqtrim v0.9.7. Usage:
fqtrim [{
    -5 <5adapter> -3 <3adapter>|-f <adapters_file>}] [-a <min_match>]\
   [-R] [-q <minq> [-t <trim_max_len>]] [-p <numcpus>] [-P {
    64|33}] \
   [-m <max_percN>] [--ntrimdist=<max_Ntrim_dist>] [-l <minlen>] [-C]\
   [-o <outsuffix> [--outdir <outdir>]] [-D][-Q][-O] [-n <rename_prefix>]\
   [-r <trim_report.txt>] [-y <min_poly>] [-A|-B] <input.fq>[,<input_mates.fq>\
 Trim low quality bases at the 3' end and can trim adapter sequence(s), filter
 for low complexity and collapse duplicate reads.
 If read pairs should be trimmed and kept together (i.e. never discarding
 only one read in a pair), the two file names should be given delimited by a comma
 or a colon character.

-n  rename the reads using the <prefix> followed by a read counter;
    if -C option was also provided, the suffix "_x<N>" is appended
    (where <N> is the read duplication count)
-o  write the trimmed/filtered reads to file(s) named <input>.<outsuffix>
    which will be created in the current (working) directory (unless --outdir
    is used); this suffix should include the file extension; if this extension
    is .gz, .gzip or .bz2 then the output will be compressed accordingly.
    NOTE: if the input file is '-' (stdin) then this is the full name of the
    output file, not just the suffix.
--outdir for -o option, write the output file(s) to <outdir> directory instead
-f  file with adapter sequences to trim, each line having this format:
    [<5_adapter_sequence>][ <3_adapter_sequence>]
-5  trim the given adapter or primer sequence at the 5' end of each read
-3  trim the given adapter sequence at the 3' end of each read
-A  disable polyA/T trimming (enabled by default)
-B  trim polyA/T at both ends (default: only poly-A at 3' end, poly-T at 5')
-O  output only reads affected by trimming (discard clean reads!)
-y  minimum length of poly-A/T run to remove (6)
-q  trim read ends where the quality value drops below <minq>
-w  for -q, sliding window size for calculating avg. quality (default 6)
-t  for -q, limit maximum trimming at either end to <trim_max_len>
-m  maximum percentage of Ns allowed in a read after trimming (default 5)
-l  minimum read length after trimming (if the remaining sequence is shorter
    than this, the read will be discarded (trashed)(default: 16)
-r  write a "trimming report" file listing the affected reads with a list
    of trimming operations
-s1/-s2:  for paired reads, one of the reads (1 or 2) is not being processed
    (no attempt to trim it) but the pair is discarded if the other read is
    trashed by the trimming process
--aidx option can only be given with -r and -f options and it makes all the 
    vector/adapter trimming operations encoded as a,b,c,.. instead of V,
    corresponding to the order of adapter sequences in the -f file
-T  write the number of bases trimmed at 5' and 3' ends after the read names
    in the FASTA/FASTQ output file(s)
-D  pass reads through a low-complexity (dust) filter and discard any read
    that has over 50% of its length masked as low complexity
--dmask option is the same with -D but fqtrim will actually mask the low 
    complexity regions with Ns in the output sequence
-C  collapse duplicate reads and append a _x<N>count suffix to the read
    name (where <N> is the duplication count)
-p  use <numcpus> CPUs (threads) on the local machine
-P  input is phred64/phred33 (use -P64 or -P33)
-Q  convert quality values to the other Phred qv type
-M  disable read name consistency check for paired reads
-V  show verbose trimming summary
Advanced adapter/primer match options (for -f or -5 , -3 options):
  -a      minimum length of exact suffix-prefix match with adapter sequence that
          can be trimmed at either end of the read (default: 6)
  --pid5  minimum percent identity for adapter match at 5' end (default 96.0)
  --pid3  minimum percent identity for adapter match at 3' end (default 94.0)
  --mism  mismatch penalty for scoring the adapter alignment (default 3)
  --match match reward for scoring the adapter alignment (default 1)
  -R      also look for terminal alignments with the reverse complement
          of the adapter sequence(s)



禁用自动修剪读段末端的 polyA/T 片段。注意:默认情况下,fqtrim 会查找并修剪每个读数 3’-end 处的 poly-A 和 5’-end 处的 poly-T,因此在不需要自动修剪 poly-A/T 时(如基因组测序),应使用 -A 选项。

-P 33/64

phred64/phred33 核苷酸质量分数的编码方案。(使用 -P64 或 -P33)

-w winsize

进行 “质量修剪” 时滑动窗口的碱基长度。

-q minqv

该选项激活读段 3’ 端的 “质量修剪”(默认禁用);滑动窗口扫描从 5’ 端到 3’ 端的质量值,当平均质量值低于 minqv 时,修剪读数的 3’ 端。

-l minlen

修剪后的最小读长;如果某个 read 在质量修剪后的长度小于该值,该 read 将被丢弃。默认值:16。

-m maxpercN

修剪后 read 中允许的 N(未知碱基)的最大百分比(默认为 5);

-p numcpus

在本地机器上使用指定个 cpu (线程) 来加快大型数据集的处理速度。



-o outsuffix

将修剪/过滤后的读段写入名为 input.outsuffix 的文件,该文件将在当前(工作)目录下创建;后缀应包括文件扩展名,如果扩展名为 .gz、.gzip 或 .bz2,则输出文件将相应压缩。注意:如果输入文件为"-"(即从 stdin 流读段),则该选项将提供输出文件的全名,而不仅仅是后缀。


在处理成对的读段(paired reads)时,fqtrim工具提供了选项 -s1-s2,允许用户禁用每对中的特定 read(即 R1 或 R2 端)的处理。这意味着,如果其中一个 read(未被禁用的那个)未通过修剪过程,整对读段都将被丢弃。
这一选项特别适用于单细胞测序数据的质控,其中成对读段中的一个 read 仅是条形码读段(barcode read),而这种读段通常不需要进行修剪。在单细胞测序中,经常利用一读段来识别细胞和/或分子的标签,而另一读段则用于实际的基因序列。在这种情况下,只对包含基因序列的读段进行修剪处理,而保留用于标识的条形码读段是有意义的。通过使用 -s1-s2 选项,用户可以确保仅处理对于后续分析有用的读段,同时避免破坏关键的标识信息。


转换 FASTQ 文件的 Phred 质量值表示;fqtrim 通常自动检测质量值的范围 (Phred-33 或 Phred-64),该选项使输出从一个范围转换到另一个范围。



版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。


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